Willoughby Heights is responsible for around 70% of all development activity in the Township of Langley, which has seen much of the same rise in multifamily developments since 2016. The acceptance of the Brookswood Plan and the release of the Smith NCP, both of which witnessed significant price increases and conflicting reactions from the development community, respectively, were highlights of 2017. The Township is prepared for future rapid expansion as work has finally started in places like the Williams NCP in Willoughby Heights.<br>The Canadian province of British Columbia’s southwest region is where the Township of Langley is situated. We are located in the lovely and agriculturally abundant Fraser Valley, 45 kilometers (28 miles) east of the City of Vancouver. The Trans-Canada Highway cuts through it, separating the municipality’s southern and northern halves.
The Fraser River forms the northern municipal line, and the US border forms the southern municipal boundary. The cities of Surrey and Langley are our western neighbors, while the city of Abbotsford is our eastern neighbor. Except where the City of Langley borders, the western boundary is 196 Street, and the eastern boundary is 276 Street.
The municipality, which is referred to as the “Birthplace of BC,” was established in Fort Langley in 1873. The Township of Langley is a community unlike any other because it combines a dynamic vision for the future with a rich heritage from the past. A vibrant metropolitan atmosphere complements the splendor of the countryside.
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